New York Day One
We left Chicago with some delay but have made it to New York.
Catching the blue line one final time all the way into O’Hare airport, we arrived at 7:30am and headed to the nearest Starbucks. We shouldn’t have worried though, there were three total in the building. You can’t step without joining a line for a complicated order.
Emerging with a 12 ounce almond flat white and a mumble of words that formed into a coffee for Seth. A bitter coffee and a very bitter Seth by the end of it but hey we’d cope and be awake.
Going for that white girl instagram photo.
Heading to our terminal, our flight got delayed 3 times before we boarded at 11:20am. Luckily, we had been bumped up into a fancier seat. A luxurious amount of leg room was provided and we were feed copious amounts of biscuit bars and drinks.
After landing in New York, we caught an Uber to our AirBnB, had a lovely chat to the owner and headed out for some dinner in the local mall. Picking up Chipotle as it was possibly the only vegetarian meal for miles (other than a cheese pizza but we need a days break).
Heading back home we are in a delightfully air-conditioned room, will be looking forward to not being slick with sweat for the night. Finally!